Wednesday, January 21, 2009

To Loie We Go-ie

This week's Brunch Club picked up after a one week hiatus [so sad!]-- this time Sister Beth threw in the suggestion of Loie Bistro in Rittenhouse.

We generally aren't a Rittenhouse Square group of kids, but we were drawn like moths to a flame to their bottomless Bloody Marys/Mimosas offer. So off we went in the freezing cold to Rittenhouse on Sunday afternoon...hey, it's worth a shot.

At first glance, Loie looked like the typical American-trying to appear vaguely French-Bistro, which can be inviting. However, I distinctly got the impression that the bar was usually inhabited by snooty Rittenhouse regulars and mixed with a few UPenn snot-rockets. But this is Brunch Club, so everyone gets an equal chance.

Their menu was not huge but was mostly satisfying to brunch-goers. Their claim to fame, and the reason we were lured in, is their $25 Brunch Prix Fixe which consists of a starter, a main "brunch dish" and either a bottle of champagne or bottomless Bloody Marys or Mimosas. [SOLD!] Almost everyone opted for the Prix Fixe and our choices were pretty much divided down the middle. Three of us started with a heaping bowl of oatmeal topped with blueberries, strawberries and maple syrup and served in majestic and rather royal looking bowl. It was delicious and so filling I thought I wouldn't be able to finish my main course.
The others opted for a salad which looked pretty standard, not expectional or unique but satisfying nonetheless.

On to the main course! I had Eggs Florentine which was oh-so tasty with a yummy parmesan crust on top and a side of fried taters. Brother Joey had his classic Steak n' Eggs, nice and bloody and seemed to enjoy it. [I think Justin had the same?!]

But everyone else opted for the omlette. I personally love omlettes and these were tasty however, they were the strangest looking omlettes I have ever seen and thus I find them suspect.

Picture a solid yellow disc [as Beth said, 'there is no white in this yellow!'], each one in the exact same dimensions despite the fact that they were on different plates. Now roll that disc up like a burrito and voila! you have the Loie Bistro omlette. It appeared as if they were not actually crackin' eggs back there but pouring some kind of egg-like stuff into an omelette mold then tossing in the specified insides [e.g. tomatoes, cheese, etc.]--it wasn't bad per se, just weird is all.

The service was top notch though! They waitress was cute, nice and never let our coffee get cold or our mimosas run out! A+!

All in all I could see a repeat to this location, particularly when I am feeling like being a midday lush on the cheap.


add Loie Bistro on myspace!

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